haaa, jiwang tak tajuk post ni? haha. actually rindu ni bukan rindu yang cintan cintan tuhh. so shut up your mind if you expect me to talk about lovey dovey thingy. heee. sebenarnya i would like to talk about my first year of study dan jugak this 4 months loooooooooong break. i know budak budak utp dah cuti for like two weeks or more. but for me, cut off one week sebab i just come back from utp to kt on 21st sept. so, baru beberapa hari la kan?
tapiiii, i'm missing utp life already. aduyaaaaai. baru few days. belum 4 bulan. honestly i can't imagine what is the feeling bila semester dah buka nanti. my prediction : i can hardly write! sbb dah lama sgt tak menulis kot. haha. well, my first year had gone quite rough. tak sama macam most of the people out there. it had been very hectic, very rocky, very happening, very loud and very silent at the same time. Alhamdulillah, those days were very colourful indeed.
many many things happened. dari segi akademik, there's nothing much to treasure sebab i haven't found my rhythm yet. still searching for the right tune. hmmm. but a few of other things yang terjadi was kinda the best moments i ever had so far. first i got involved into this "Martial Arts Festival" program. post : setiausaha -.- suppose event ni kecik je. tapi perancangan Allah Maha Hebat. Dia jadikan event ni berskala besar. bigger than all of us could ever imagined. dari post s/u ni la, saya baaaaaanyak belajar new things, dari segi sponsorship, public relations, logistics, and many mooore. ( we had ten departmnents all together) surat tak yah cerita la. dah berkarton kertas A4 habis. boleh buat re-plantation hutan. haha. i bought myself a new printer. *wink2* i was being really busy sampaikan wujudnye sistem "booking" upon me, in which my babes kena berebut dgn high coms kalau kiteorg nak 'berderak'. banyak gile konflik yang timbul. merajuk la kena pujuk la. so many sweet sour things. haha. throughout maf jugak sy jadi muak sgt dah dgn McD sbb selalu sgt maple sanaa. dah hafal dah setiap ceruk McD pengkalan/gopeng. every corner keeps a memory :)
among all the incidents that happened during maf, yg paling best ialah time kereta rosak kat ipoh. ok kenangan dan pengalaman itu sangatlah manisss utk ktorg bertiga. even masa benda tu jadi masing masing stress giler. haha. kadang kadang dalam mengenangkan jerih perih bekerja utk maf, bila teringat pengalaman ni terus senyum sorang sorang. haha. it soothes away the pain. well, panjang ceritanya kalau nak type rasenye i need a new entry kot. heee. tapi serius, dari situ la, bonding kiteorg gets stronger. from there, i built trust on them. and everytime i go to ipoh, lalu kat roundabout jpa where the car first died, memang, harus senyum sorang sorang. bonding antara high com sangatlah kuat and i love all of them so muchh. we became friends and siblings, where i get two lovely sisters and two naughty brothers. to be frank, sy mmg lebih rapat dgn dieorg compared to the rest of my coursemates (except hani & fatin) :) ape lagi sepu and kak wani were my team mates during kejohanan wajadiri nasional silat cekak ustaz hanafi kali ke 14. haaa, lagi la ngam!
speaking of KWN, haaa, ni lagi satu benda best yang terjadi. KWN is the annual silat cekak hanafi tournament which will be held at national level at choosen university. to be lucky, on my first participation, KWN buat kat utp pulak. cuakk tu wajib la ada. training siang malam. weekdays, weekends. penat ohhh. lebam lebam toksah cerita la. dah boleh buat peta malaysia kat badan! calar sana bengkak sini. oh myy, dah la rumah tingkat empat kan, kalau balik training pukul 3 pagi tu, mcm nenek dah nak naik tangga. sakit wooo. tapi Alhamdulillah, it was indeed a fruitful effort. for me myself, one gold, one silver and one bronze. and for the girl's team we grabbed the champion. heee. for the boys, takpe walaupun tak dapat korang tetap champion kat hati kiteorg. ceewahhh. :D yelaa, kita kan team, menang kalah tetap bersama. don't worry guyss. momen yang paling tak leh lupa time ni? masa nak cek turn pagi pagi tu, dah kena tamparan hebat dah. my partner(kak wani) and me were the first pair utk masuk gelanggang. and our acara tu was the first one to start! masa tu fikir gile apee. first one? memang nervousssss gile. tapi try cover. tapi rasa abg iz nampak (my coach). and die relax2 kan kiteorg. my team mates were very supportive. dieorg semua bagi kata semangat. terharu sgt. that's why i love them soooo much. dari gelanggang kat bawah i could hear they were screaming "utp! utp! utp!" wahhh. mmg pembakar semangat la. abg iz pun was with us sampai la saat last sblm kaki melangkah ke gelanggang. Alhamdulillah, we did our best. tapi sbgi first pair, mmg la markah tu average. abg iz dah ingtkan dah pasal hal tu sbb juri tak berani nak letak markah tinggi sbb they can't see the overall performances yet. soo, there i went, tak yakin sgt dpt pingat. klu dpt pun maybe gangsa. tapi Allah Maha Kaya, Alhamdulillah, He granted us gold. masa keputusan diumumkan tu, rasenya we both were hugging and holding hands so hard and bila keputusan diumumkan tu, we both jumped and smiled sampai kebas pipi. haha. that was a very golden moment for me. thank you Allah. may He grant us gold again next year, insya-Allah :)
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kejohanan wajadiri nasioanl 14 |
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super seven <3 |
itu adalah kebanyakan perkara yang took almost 75% of my time during my first year. yes, dua dua memang sgt seronok dan manis utk dikenang, tapi sebagai tanda sayang, Allah beri peringatan bila result first sem keluar. kenyataan tu mmg sgt perit utk ditelan, smpikan masa mula mula tu, rase macam tak nak keluar bilik pun, tak nak pergi kelas sebab malu sgt. itu adalah rekod akademik paling hitam dalam sejarah hidup sy. not many know, and i hid it from my ******* sebab i didn't want them to feel disappointed and worried. i know i'm a bad girl tapi i didn't have the heart to tell. seriously tak sanggup.
and you know what, saya menulis post ni dgn senyuman yang tak pernah lekang, dgn perasaan hati yang menguntum mengingati saat saat yang berlalu. indahnya. sebenarnya, rindunyaaa. sungguh, segala yang berlaku meninggalkan bekas bukan sahaja dalam hati tapi dalan ikatan sillaturrahim yang terjalin. yang renggang jadi rapat, yang jauh jadi dekat. buktinya, lepas habis final baru baru ni, kami berlima dari family ch pergi jalan jalan raya dari tronoh, batu gajah, ipoh, manjoi event sampai ke bidor. tu pun sikit lagi nak jejak teluk intan dan kuala kangsar. haha. i feel the warmth of acceptance in the midst of family bonding. saya takkan lupa dunkin donut tapah or even insiden pacat, situasi cangkuk dalam kereta sebab takut pacat naik kaki. haha. jus tembikai dgn mee goreng basah rumah leman yang memang pergghhh! haha. so much laughter. the next day atas request abg iz, before cuti panjang, we hang out again this time tgk johnny english (me for second time -.-) and saya dgn nida gelak dulu sbb ktorg dh tgk day day before dgn kak fifie n tirah. heeee. and had a simple dinner, a sweet treat suprise for abg iz and amir. ohh ohh and many days before, after lunch sesama, kiteorg keluar lagi dgn ajoy sbb dia dh nak grad and kiteorg tak dpt g convo dia >.< so all of us had dinner, played bowling, and acara wajib beli hadiah utk ajoy. it was a nice lovely evening spent with one of respectable senior. byk yang ajoy share and i believe kami semua akan ingat sampai bila bila :)
kiteorg story morry malam malam kat dataran ipoh pasal our childhood memories and then melarat sampai salam corner. haha. kat mana nak cari ganti friendship macam ni? oh guyss i hope i'm not the only who's been missing those special momentsss. until i got onto the bus, i didn't have the thrill of going home, biasenya saya akan excited nak balik 2 3 hari before. haha. serius rasa mcm nak extend lagi stay. tapi tiket dah beli -.- and untuk yang tolong hantar me and my bags sampai atas bas, thank you so much. terhutang budi nih. haha.
hmmmmm. . . . .
rindunyaaa utp. baru few days. 4 months? i'm not sure.
a lot of things i've learned. yang paling terkesan is to reaaaaaaally have faith in Allah. wahuwa ma'akum ainama kuntum. He is always there wherever I am. I believe it. I do. :)
*p/s ; x larat nk type dh. haha. insya-Allah, next time. byeee ('',)