Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In Hardwood Grooves

The same leaves over and over again!
They fall from giving the shade above
To make one texture of faded brown
And fit the Earth like a leather glove
Before the leaves can mount again
To fill the trees with another shade
They must go down past things coming up
They must go down into the dark decayed
They must be pierced by flowers
and put Beneath the feet of dancing flowers
However, it is in the other world
I know that this is way in ours

Rober Frost
(rephrased by me)

we used to say life is like a wheel
but life is also like the leaves in autumn
they fall and fall and fall
and then decayed
just to be the nutrients needed for the trees to bloom again
while they are decaying
flowers are dancing happily with the wind on the branches

so is life
so are us
sometimes when we kept falling
we are actually giving benefits in a way that we may not know
sometimes when we kept falling
others are on the top of the world
crowning themself with the biggest crwon of success
but dear self,
be patient
for our time will surely come
just that when don't know when :)

1 comment:

Fatin Filzati said...

OMG! robert frost mmg ske wat poem pasal nature kan? Ingat lagi the road not taken. Love it so much!

Hehe,, u r so good at rephrasing it too ;)

nway,, keep it up. Chaiyok2!